Saturday, 11 July 2009

Team Plasma

Team Plasma are my Kill Team for the game Warhammer 40,000. Kill Team is a skirmish variant of the game in which a small team of hand-picked men go on missions in enemy territory. It is very The Dirty Dozen, and plays much better than the regular game.

Team Plasma had two aims:

1) Be cheap or free
All the peices used to construct Team Plasma were leftovers, freebies, or part of a Chaos Knight sprue I bought for 50p.

The heads were given to me by a friend with an Empire WFB army. The boxed sets come with far more heads than you need, so I rummaged in his bits box for five heads that were posed shouting or yelling. The bodies are mix and match from regular Space Marines, leftover Chaos Space Marines, and the aforementioned Chaos Knight bits. And the plasma weapons are modified bolters with fuel cans from a 1:72 jeep kit added for the barrel.

When assembling the bits, my least favourite was "Wulf", a chunky guy with a beard who looked like a Space Wolf But once he was painted, he bore an uncanny resemblance to Brian Blessed!

2) Abuse the rules audaciously
Rules-wise Team Plasma are a squad of Chaos Space Marine Havocs. Four members have Plasmaguns, one is upgraded to and Aspiring Champion with a Plasma Pistol. The few points left went to giving them the Move Through Cover veteran ability.

What's that you cry? "Rapid-firing those plasma weapons is likely to kill your team as they catastrophiaclly overheat!" Yeah, probably. But as Kill Team is a quick game, it makes for an amusing anecdote, and we can just play another game.

And of course, rapid-firing those babies often vapourises any Grunt Squad stupid enough to wander into range. And all for a single alert token.